
Themed collection

All of the designs within the Themed Collection can be fully customised to any colour palette and wording to suit your wedding. There is no design fee for this collection and all customisation of the design is included within your order.

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Bespoke designs

Go bespoke and have the freedom to create a truly one of a kind design. The design fee for the bespoke design service starts from £200 and includes everything from your save the date cards and invitations, through to your order of services and table plan.

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Illustrative maps

As you can imagine, drawing illustrations and venue maps from scratch is pretty time consuming. There is therefore an additional cost for these which starts from £30 (depending on the complexity). This is to cover the additional time required for the illustrations.


Printing costs can be found here. If you have any queries or have a more specific requirement, feel free to drop me a message at and I would be more than happy to help.